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Selected publications in pain

Year 2002


Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Graven-Nielsen, T. (2002). Deep tissue hyperalgesia. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 10(1/2), 97-119.

Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Sumikura, H. (2002). From pain research to pain treatment: role of human pain models. Nippon Medical School. Journal, 69(6), 514-524.

Babiloni, C., Babiloni, F., Carducci, F., Cincotti, F., Rosciarelli, F., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Chen, A. C., & Rossini, P. (2002). Human brain oscillatory activity phase-locked to painful electrical stimulations: a multi-channel EEG study. Human Brain Mapping, 15(2), 112-123.

Bajaj, P., Bajaj, P., Madsen, H., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). A comparison of modality-specific somatosensory changes during menstruation in dysmenorrheic and nondysmenorrheic women. Clinical Journal of Pain, 18(3), 180-190.

Bajaj, P., Bajaj, P., Madsen, H., Møller, M., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Antenatal women with or without pelvic pain can be characterized by generalized or segmental hypoalgesia in late pregnancy. Journal of Pain, 3(6), 451-460.

Bajaj, P., Madeleine, P., Sjøgaard, G., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Assessment of post-exercise muscle soreness by electromyography and mechanomyography. Journal of Pain, 3(2), 126-136.


Bajaj, P., Drewes, A. M., Gregersen, H., Petersen, P., Madsen, H., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Controlled dilatation of the uterine cervix: an experimental visceral pain model. Pain, 99(3), 433-442.

Cairns, B. E., Gambarota, G., Svensson, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Berde, C. (2002). Glutamate-induced sensitization of rat masseter muscle fibers. Neuroscience, 109(2), 389-399.

Chang, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Chen, A. C. (2002). Differential cerebral responses to aversive auditory arousal versus muscle pain: specific EEG patterns are associated with human pain processing. Experimental Brain Research, 147, 387-393.

Chang, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Chen, A. C. (2002). Dynamic changes and spatial correlation of EEG activities during cold pressor test in man. Brain Research Bulletin, 57(5), 667-675.

Chen, A. C., Niddam, D., Crawford, H., Oostenveld, R., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Spatial summation of pain processing in the human brain as assessed by cerebral event related potentials. Neuroscience Letters, 328(2), 190-194.

Drewes, A. M., Schipper, K., Dimcevski, G., Petersen, P., Andersen, O. K., Gregersen, H., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Multimodal assessment of pain in the esophagus: a new experimental model. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 283(1), G95-G103.

Farina, D., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Merletti, R., & Graven-Nielsen, T. (2002). Assessment of single motor unit conduction velocity during sustained contractions of the tibialis anterior muscle with advanced spike triggered averaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 115(1), 1-12.

Farina, D., Madeleine, P., Graven-Nielsen, T., Merletti, R., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Standardising surface electromyogram recordings for assessment of activity and fatigue in the human upper trapezius muscle. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 86, 469-478.

Gao, C., Petersen, P., Liu, W., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Drewes, A. M., & Gregersen, H. (2002). Sensory-motor responses to volume-controlled duodenal distension. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 14(4), 365-374.

Graven-Nielsen, T., Lund, H., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., & Bliddal, H. (2002). Inhibition of maximal voluntary contraction force by experimental muscle pain: a centrally mediated mechanism. Muscle & Nerve, 26(5), 708-712.

Graven-Nielsen, T., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Is there a relation between intramuscular hypoperfusion and chronic muscle pain?. Journal of Pain, 3(4), 261-263.

Graven-Nielsen, T., Gibson, S., Laursen, R. J., Svensson, P., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Opioid-insensitive hypoalgesia to mechanical stimuli at sites ipsilateral and contralateral to experimental muscle pain in human volunteers. Experimental Brain Research, 146, 213-222.

Graven-Nielsen, T., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Peripheral and central sensitization in musculoskeletal pain disorders: an experimental approach. Current Rheumatology Reports, 4(4), 313-321.

Graven-Nielsen, T., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Mense, S. (2002). Thermosensitivity of muscle: high intensity thermal stimulation of muscle tissue induces pain in humans. Journal of Physiology, 540(2), 647-656.

Greffrath, W., Nemenov, M., Schwarz, S., Baumgärtner, U., Vogel, H., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Treede, R. (2002). Inward currents in primary nociceptive neurons of the rat and pain sensations in humans elicited by infrared diode laser pulses. Pain, 99, 145-155.

Le Pera, D., Valeriani, M., Niddam, D., Chen, A. C., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Contact heat evoked potentials to painful and non-painful stimuli: effect of attention towards stimulus properties. Brain Topography, 15(2), 115-123.

Madeleine, P., Jørgensen, L., Søgaard, K., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Sjøgaard, G. (2002). Development of muscle fatigue as assessed by electromyography and mechanomyography during continuous and intermittent low-force contractions: effects of the feedback mode. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 87, 28-37.


Madeleine, P., Farina, D., Merletti, R., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Upper trapezius muscle mechanomyographic and electromyographic activity in humans during low force fatiguing and non-fatiguing contractions. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 87, 327-336.

Matre, D., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Knardahl, S. (2002). Effects of localization and intensity of experimental muscle pain on ankle joint proprioception. European Journal of Pain, 6(4), 245-260.

Niddam, D., Yeh, T., Wu, Y., Lee, P., Ho, L., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Chen, A. C., & Hsieh, J. (2002). Event-related functional MRI study on central representation of acute muscle pain induced by electrical stimulation. NeuroImage, 17, 1437-1450.

Petersen-Felix, S., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). From pain research to pain treatment: the role of human experimental pain models. Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology, 16(4), 667-680.

Polianskis, R., Graven-Nielsen, T., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Modality-specific facilitation and adaptation to painful tonic stimulation in humans. European Journal of Pain, 6, 475-484.

Polianskis, R., Graven-Nielsen, T., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Pressure-pain function in desensitized and hypersensitized muscle and skin assessed by cuff algometry. Journal of Pain, 3(1), 28-37.

Polianskis, R., Graven-Nielsen, T., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Spatial and temporal aspects of deep tissue pain assessed by cuff algometry. Pain, 100, 19-26.

Romaniello, A., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Cruccu, G., & Svensson, P. (2002). Modulation of trigeminal laser evoked potentials and laser silent periods by homotopical experimental pain. Pain, 98, 217-228.

Spadavecchia, C., Spadavecchia, L., Andersen, O. K., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Leandri, M., & Schatzmann, U. (2002). Quantitative assessment of nociception in horses by use of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex evoked by transcutaneous electrical stimulation. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 63(11), 1551-1556.

Stawowy, M., Rössel, P., Bluhme, C., Funch-Jensen, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Drewes, A. M. (2002). Somatosensory changes in the referred pain area following acute inflammation of the appendix. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepathology, 14, 1079-1084.

Valeriani, M., Le Pera, D., Niddam, D., Chen, A. C., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Dipolar modelling of the scalp evoked potentials to painful contact heat stimulation of the skin. Neuroscience Letters, 318, 44-48.

Wang, K., Arendt-Nielsen, L., & Svensson, P. (2002). Capsaicin-induced muscle pain alters the excitability of the human jaw-stretch reflex. Journal of Dental Research, 81(9), 650-654.

Wilder-Smith, O. H., Tassonyi, E., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Preoperative back pain is associated with diverse manifestations of central neuroplasticity. Pain, 97(3), 189-194.

Wright, A., Graven-Nielsen, T., Davies, I., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Temporal summation of pain from skin, muscle and joint following nociceptive ultrasonic stimulation in humans. Experimental Brain Research, 144(4), 475-482.

You, H., Chen, J., Morch, C., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Differential effect of peripheral glutamate (NMDA, non-NMDA) receptor antagonists on bee venom-induced spontaneous nociception and sensitization. Brain Research Bulletin, 58(6), 561-567.

Yücel, A., Andersen, O. K., Nielsen, J., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2002). Heat hyperalgesia in humans: assessed by different stimulus temperature profiles. European Journal of Pain, 6, 357-364.

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