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Bio-chemical biomarker

Together with our strategic partner Nordic Bioscience clients are offered advanced facilities for applying known and developing new bio-chemical biomarkers for pain and inflammation.

Nordic Bioscience has since its incorporation more than 15 years ago had a strong commitment to the development of new and better diagnostic technologies for implementation in the drug development programs and eventually for improved management of the millions of people over the world suffering from serious diseases. The biomarker development programs include a broad project portfolio aimed at identifying better biochemical markers of the inflammatory processes taking place in the target tissue during disease progression.


The biomarker research programs are in compliance with requirements put forward by the FDA "Challenge and Opportunity on the Critical Path to new Medicinal Products" (FDA, 2004).


Bio-imaging biomarkers

Together with various strategic partners in imaging are are offered.


The imaging techniques provided have the highest discriminative power and sensitivity to change. As a result, trials require fewer subjects and therefore less time in the recruitment phase. Rapid image processing, image analysis, and data delivery are offered.


In additon the technologies help to reduce the variability inherent in multisite, international clinical trials, thereby maximizing the accuracy of efficacy and safety imaging assessments. Because of the extensive experience and technical knowledge, it is possible to design study protocols that accommodate the diversity in imaging infrastructure that exists across the sites in a clinical trial. This optimizes the consistency and quality of the images produced and the accuracy and precision of the image analyses performed by the specialized in-house radiologists.


Human pain bio-markers

A human pain bio-marker includes activation of a specific tissue using a specific stimulus modality and assessing a specific response in a quantitative way.


Pain stimulation: 

Skin, mucosa, teeth, muscles, ligaments, periost, joints, vertebra, viscera

Pain modalities: 

Electrical, mechanical, thermal, chemical

Pain applications:

Single phasic stimulus, repeated phasic stimuli, tonic stimulus

Pain assesment:

Psychophysical (thresholds, ratings, areas, stimulus-response functions), temporal sumation, conditioning pain modulation, autonomic (skin resistance, heart rate, temperature, blood flow), electrophysiological (reflexes, evoked cortical responses, EEG)


Blood, urine, synovial fluid.

Microdialysis and perfusion with algogenic substances


C4Pain ApS, Hobrovej 42 D 9000 Aalborg, Denmark.

© 2016

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