Hans Christian Hoeck, M.D., Ph.D.
C4Pain is the realization of a vision. In C4Pain we unite 20 years of expertise in the conduction of clinical trials with a similar long standing expertise in translational pain research. The development of our society also affects the healthcare system. In today’s clinical environments health professionals can spend less time on clinical trials READ MORE:

Lars Arendt-Nielsen, professor, Dr. Med. Sci., PhD
Director of R&D
It has always been our dream to be able to assess pain objectively. However, this will most likely never become possible since pain is a multi-sensorial subjective perception and can not be quantified by a single number. READ MORE
Hans Christian Hoeck, M.D., Ph.D.
C4Pain is the realization of a vision. In C4Pain we unite; 20 years of expertise in conducting clinical trials with a similar long standing expertise in translational pain research. The development of our society also affects the healthcare system. In today’s clinical environments health professionals can spend less time on clinical trials. In parallel the need to standardize and properly document all components of a clinical trial is a time consuming process. However, the requirements and standards put forward in the guidelines by the authorities reflect the recognition of combining valid and trustworthy results with ultimate safety to study participants. In C4pain we are familiar with all aspects of clinical research from Phase I-IV. All trials are performed according to current guidelines including the UK and EMEA guidelines for phase I trials. With several years of experience as principal investigators in high recruiting facilities associated with an unparalleled retention rate we are also familiar with all type of audits and inspections including those from EMEA and FDA. In the current setting in C4Pain we cover research in all pain areas with special focus on pain in musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, we have the expertise to combine and correlate our panel of pain tests with biochemical biomarkers. As the CEO of C4Pain it is a privilege to offer an unparalleled palette of expertise to current and upcoming clients.
Short CV - Hans Christian Hoeck, MD, PhD, CEO
Is co-founder of C4Pain, MD from Odense University (The University of Southern Denmark) in 1987 and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen in 1998. Hans Chr. Hoeck Is a licensed specialist in Internal Medicine and has worked more than 15 years at hospitals in Denmark and Germany before joining CCBR as the Clinic Manager of the Clinical Research Center in Aalborg in January 2003. During his assignment he has been a driving force in the growth and development of the research center and he has developed extensive experience in clinical research and management skills. He has served as a Principal Investigator (PI) in more than 60 clinical trials from phase I–IV. As the PI he has been subject to several audits and inspections including EMEA and he is familiar with all aspects of clinical trial management.
Lars Arendt-Nielsen, professor, Dr. Med. Sci., PhD, Director of R&D
It has always been our dream to be able to assess pain objectively. However, this will most likely never become possible as pain is a multi-sensorial subjective perception and can not be quantified by a single number. Based on our translational pain research approach we have during the last 25 years developed the most comprehensive armamentarium of human pain assessment technologies to evaluate quantitatively separate individual aspect of the complex experience of pain. Such quantitative pain bio-markers are applied in basic studies for investigating fundamental mechanisms of the normal and pathophysiological pain systems and for mechanism based profiling of new potentials pain alleviating and anti-inflammatory compounds. Over the past 25 years my 1) collaborations with 30+ international pharmaceutical industries, 2) 700 + scientific publications in the field, 3) graduation of 30+ Ph D students, and 4) scientific collaborations in 10+ different countries have provided a solid and in-depth expertice which has proven to be highly valuable to the pharmaceutical industry. Partners interacting with C4Pain will be able to benefit from this experience when we collaborate on the design and execution of human volunteer proof-of-concept studies as well as in small/large clinical trials.
Short CV - Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Prof. Dr. Med. Sci., PhD, Director R&D
Prof. Arendt-Nielsen is co-founder and director of the international Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI) with 90 employees and 60 PhD-students enrolled. SMIis located at Aalborg University, Denmark. He founded the translational pain research group at SMI more than 25 years ago.
SMI hosts the worlds largest translational pain research unit and has a substantial network of researchers in 15 countries, incorporating universities, hospitals, and the leading international biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.
SMI has a large international research education unit and graduated more than 110 PhDs over the last 12 years. SMI as well as C4Pain welcomes Ph D students and post docs.
He is co-founder of C4Pain.
After years in London as a postgraduate student at University College and as a research fellow at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Dr. Arendt-Nielsen returned to Denmark where he earned his advanced degrees from Aalborg (PhD) and Aarhus (Dr. Med. Sci.) universities.
His research focus is on 1) translational pain research, 2) experimental methods for the assessment of pain from skin, muscles and viscera in healthy volunteers and pain patients and 3) development of human pain bio-markers for screening of new analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds in volunteers and pain patients), 4) proof-of-concept studies on new analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Dr. Arendt-Nielsen has delivered over 210 keynote lectures at international meetings and seminars and published more than 750 papers on experimental and clinical pain research in international peer reviewed journals.
Is council member of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), was head of the IASP 2010 Global Year Against pain (focus on musculoskeletal pain) and head of the IASP grant committee.
Dr. Arendt-Nielsen has been guest professor at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okasaki, Japan, honorary professor at Xian Jiaotong University, School of Medicine China and honorary professor at University of Bern, Medical Faculty, Switzerland. Link to publications